Thanks Blizz…

I would like to personally thank Blizzard Entertainment for the accelerated heart rate and near heart attack I had this morning. You see, a new world boss was available today, so I took my druid and went to see about killing it. I found my way to the underground lair in Suramar, and stood there looking at my mini map thinking “ok it should be right here”. Only the carat was pointing up, so it had to be upstairs. Nope…not there either. Maybe it isn’t spawned yet. I wait, no boss. Maybe there’s a bug? I pan around with my camera looking for stairs or something and then, as I pan up…..I see it.


Scared the ever loving hell out of me!!! I unleashed a string of profanity in guild chat, and screamed out loud at my desk. The cat and dog have now disowned me. Thanks Blizz!

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