Who Are You…Doot doo, Doot doo

This week is intro week for Blaugust 2023! When we had writing in high school, we were taught about the 5 W’s. Who, What, When, Where, Why. Sometimes How tags along for the ride. And since blogging is a form of journalism, I think those same questions apply when meeting your audience. So first up…as The Who once asked, Who am I?


I’m a nearly 50 year old, but NOT YET wife, Mom, and Grandmother. I’ve been married to Mr. Jess for thirty years now, my oldest daughter will be 30 this month, and my youngest just turned 28, her daughter is now SIX! I was born and raised in a small town back east.  I was the square peg in a round hole all through school, and I never did well, so I dropped out as soon as I was old enough to sign the papers. I eventually graduated through a correspondence school, which was much better for me.

In 2001 my husband went to the store to get a couple things, and came back 2 hours later armed with all the info he needed to enlist in the Army, and convince me it was a good move for us. I begrudgingly will admit he was right, we had no money, no insurance, something had to give. And that is how I have lived in Alaska, Washington State, Georgia, South Carolina, and back to Alaska! It hasn’t been an easy life, but it’s been interesting, and an adventure and I don’t think I’d change it given the chance.

At 40something I decided to go to college. It took me much longer to finish than it should have but I’m bad at being a student. Good at learning, just bad at the student part. I graduated with an Associates of Art in Letters, Arts, and Sciences, and then reenrolled to get my BA in Law and Society with a minor in Sociology. I graduated last year from Penn State, one of my most satisfying achievements.

If asked about my political affiliations, my answer is Chaotic Good.

And that’s pretty much WHO. What will have to wait until Friday!

I Miss Blogging

When I say that I miss blogging I mean so many things. And most of them return for a time when Blaugust comes around.

Back when I first started blogging, I was using free open diary. I loved the community based journaling I found there, at a time when I really needed it. That was in 2001 when my husband had suddenly enlisted in the Army and I had a LOT of adjusting and learning, and whining and venting to do.  People with like interests seemed to just find each other and from those connections more connections were made with friends of friends. Eventually I outgrew those sites and they staarted losing members to new ones, and I found myself at Live Journal, loving the same things there. But with my decorative control.

That decorative control led me to start poking around with geocities and I eventually had my own website, then my own domain, a passing ability to manipulate html, and still people managed to find each other and make connections, and a whole community. This first happened with web rings, and then yahoo groups made it even easier. My sites grew and changed, and topics came and went, but I always had a home in blogging. Especially when WoW blogging was huge. That’s how I got to know Beghast over at The Aggronaut in fact, and many others who I still stay connected to on social networks.

But one day, it felt like the Blogosphere just…stopped turning. The updates stopped, the comments stopped. Where I used to find my gaming info from a friendly blogger, I was presented with ad riddled SEO filled magazines, wikis, or reddits, or videos. And I still miss it. Because without other blogs, it’s like shouting into the void.  So here I am, doing Blaugust 2023 with the hopes that I find that village again, because I really miss emptying my chatty brain into my blog!


It’s Blaugust!!


Every year, Bel over at Tales of the Aggronaut holds this month long blogging event to help build the blogging community, and get some of us lesser motivated bloggers writing. I signed up last year and never quite got moving. This year I’m going to do my best to keep up. As you can see, my last post was in 2022.

At the time I was excited about going back to World of Warcraft and making it casual myself…well, that didn’t last. As it turned out, I’m the oddball that hated dragon riding. I was dealing with a seriously jacked up right shoulder which made the mouse movements torture. A few months later I had my rotator cuff repaired, my labrum repaired, my clavicle excised, and my biceps tendon relocated to avoid future impingement. There wasn’t much gaming after that. Or anything else besides binging Netflix and recovering.  I’m 6 months post op now, and pretty much back to normal activities, and back to gaming and knitting and photography!

I was going to do a full reintro now, but since that’s the theme for week two, I’m just here to say…Welcome to Blaugust!