It’s Blaugust!!


Every year, Bel over at Tales of the Aggronaut holds this month long blogging event to help build the blogging community, and get some of us lesser motivated bloggers writing. I signed up last year and never quite got moving. This year I’m going to do my best to keep up. As you can see, my last post was in 2022.

At the time I was excited about going back to World of Warcraft and making it casual myself…well, that didn’t last. As it turned out, I’m the oddball that hated dragon riding. I was dealing with a seriously jacked up right shoulder which made the mouse movements torture. A few months later I had my rotator cuff repaired, my labrum repaired, my clavicle excised, and my biceps tendon relocated to avoid future impingement. There wasn’t much gaming after that. Or anything else besides binging Netflix and recovering.  I’m 6 months post op now, and pretty much back to normal activities, and back to gaming and knitting and photography!

I was going to do a full reintro now, but since that’s the theme for week two, I’m just here to say…Welcome to Blaugust!