
Once upon a time, ten plus years ago, there was a newbie blogger. She blogged mainly about life, army life in particular. She started on a website called Free Open Diary, then moved to Diary Place, then to her own domains and hosting which changed several times, then to Live Journal. Each time taking her archives with her and continuing her story.

Then she discovered World of Warcraft. She became Lady Jess and crafted her self hosted Word Press blog, which she maintained for many many years. Noone knows what happened, even she doesn't know, but the posts just stopped. She discovered a miriad of other video games, fell in love with Bioware RPG's,  became a full out gamer, but still no posts.  She spent a lot of time on her Tumblr, but even that fell off. 

But the blogging bug bit again, bringing with it a new domain name, new hosting, and a new look. Only this time she didn't carry her archives with her. This time she called a Mulligan and just started over, as Calamity Jess. 

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