
Blaugust Reborn started on August 1st, and I missed the first two days! But I have an excellent excuse! On Tuesday, I received a text from my husband. They had spent two days trying to catch this poor starving stray kitten, finally caught him, and did I want him. Well how could I say no? I mean look at that face!

20180802_161441Could you say no? I thought not. When he arrived, he was toting some fleas, weighed not even a pound, and we can see or feel every. single. little. bone. in his body. His hind legs had scabs from trying to get into or out of somewhere, one of his front toenails is scabbed up and missing. Honestly, this little guy shouldn’t even be alive after going without food, and being out in the hot southern sun.

But clearly, he’s a badass. We can only guess his age. He can eat on his own, and use the litterbox, play wasn’t on his resume when we found him but he’s starting now with pouncing and chasing his tail. We are estimating he’s between 5 and 6 weeks.

He likes headbutts and snuggles. He loved the dog initially, but now has realized she’s a DOG and he’s a CAT so he hisses and growls at her. It must make him feel tough that he scares the 40 pound dog. Older Cat is still in a snit, but making progress. He’ll now let me pet him when my hands smell like the baby. Prior, he hissed and swatted at me, followed by just looking utterly offended that my hands smelled like betrayal. A little bribery with catnip and treats with kitten smell on my hands has improved that situation. He just won’t come downstairs.

So it’s been a hectic two days of Dawn baths, kitty aggro management, cuddles, and some gaming squeezed in where possible. But I swore I was going to get back to blogging, and do Blaugust, because Blogging is not dead! Regardless of the fact that I haven’t done so since March Smile with tongue out


Bonus Kitty Pic! His name is Alpha!

3 thoughts on “Procatsination”

  1. Squee! Kitten! So cute! Orange kitties are the best. Alpha is a great name. Now you need an Omega to go with him. (Or maybe that is your older kitty’s name?)


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