On The Radar

The first half of 2018 looks to be a pretty good year for my gaming hobby.  It’s a welcome relief after the last several months of not seeing anything that really stirred my interest. Although, that drought did get me to try Final Fantasy XIV, which I adore, so it wasn’t all bad. Still, up until that point I was dying for something new! And this year is starting off pretty well in that respect.

First, we have Far Cry 5 releasing March 27. Normally I don’t bother with this franchise, they tend to have the typical dude bro player character, and we all know how I feel about that. But this time, you create your character, and they can be male or female! I was stunned since this is the same company that has yet to have a full Assassin’s Creed game feature a female assassin. Sure Liberation was made, but only for a very specific console. The port to PC was awful and it was nowhere near the scale of the others. I’m hoping if FC5 is a success they’ll take the hint.

Coming In May, we have Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. I, again, was late to the party with this game. I initially balked at the isometric view and the click to move. But one day I forced myself to play a little longer to see if the story could get me over that. I was happy to learn it did. I loved everything about it, aside from those two things, and Deadfire has my faith that it will measure up.

September is the one I’m really looking forward to. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I have finished both the rebbot TR games, and I just ADORE Lara. She’s stubborn, determined, snarky, and badass.

With unknown release dates, we have Ooblets, which is some sort of cross between Pokémon and Stardew Valley and looks like an excellent time filler. One from a series I hadn’t considered before, Darksiders III is coming, with Fury as one of the Four Horsemen. Fury is an unpredictable bladed whip wielding mage sent to hunt down the 7 deadly sins. It looks pretty interesting. It’s already on my Steam Wishlist.

And hopefully, these are all enough along with FFXIV to keep me content and busy until the next Dragon Age game shows up! I love me some Bioware RPG games.

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