Happy 2019!

Where did 2018 go? It seems like it just sped past while I was napping. Well, most of it at least. Some parts were pretty memorable.

  • 2018 started with me getting the Flu. I don’t remember much of that week, there was much sleeping, possibly some whining.
  • March brought with it our 25th wedding anniversary! My husband, who rarely does anything romantic, pulled off a lovely evening of surprises. There was the special Spotify playlist playing in the truck, dinner at a really cute Japanese restaurant (a first for both of us), and a gorgeous silver heartshaped pendant to top it off.
  • May my Mom gave me a heart attack and ended up having emergency surgery. I learned more about wound packing, and ostomies than I ever expected to know. All good now, no permanent damage done.
  • July, my husband rescued a starving, flea infested, too young to be away from mom, stray kitten. She weighed less than half a pound at the time. She is now a seven pound terror bouncing off the walls at about 5-6 months old. Oh, and we thought she was a he, but surprise!
  • August, I decided I wanted to learn to knit! four months later I have made 3 dishclothes, and I’m working on a cowl. We aren’t going to discuss how much yarn I have accumulated.
  • September, my husband got a LONG awaited and MUCH deserved promotion!! Yay!!
  • November was great, my kids came for Thanksgiving. I hadn’t seen my oldest daughter since her sister’s wedding 2 years prior. They brought my granddaughter too, it was a lovely week. I also participated in the Extra Life campaign, my tailbone is still angry about that 24 hours in a cheap desk chair.
  • Christmas was low key, but still nice. Having two weeks of hubby on leave, just chilling. No alarm clocks, no schedule.
  • Happy New Year! This is his last day of leave. And our sleep schedules are all sorts of screwed up, hence my writing this at nearly 6am without having been to bed yet!

2018 wasn’t a bad year, all in all. 2019 will hopefully be a little slower. I intend to do things better than last year.

  • I want to get back to my DDP Yoga program, I’d like to be in better shape and I was having great results with it before I got off track.
  • I want to complete at least 6 knitting projects. Big or small, doesn’t matter.
  • I’ll be doing Extra Life again!
  • I’ll be attempting to do more with my hair, face and nails because it makes me feel good, and I’ve ben really lazy about it.

That’s as close to resolutions as I’m going to get. Hopefully this time next year I can link back to this post and check them off.

Happy New Year All!

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